April 13, 2018 at 3:38 pm #1461

yea, so far I have been lucky with the designs that I have done with downloaded fonts…but there are those rare occasions. I just don’t want to get nailed over a customers design that I screen print. I just had a lady yesterday ask me for a quote for some shirts, and I looked up the font that she used and it wasn’t a free commercial use. I asked her if she had bought the extended/commercial use license to use the font and she responded with “no, isn’t that  your job”…lol…so I responded with, “i can do that, sure, I will just add it to the quote”, haven’t heard back from her…There are a lot of screen printers who nab designs off the internet and use them without paying for them, I get my designs from stock photo websites and buy the extended/commercial license so I can print and sell them.

I did happen to find a website that has free commercial use of fonts, a few ask for donations, usually around $5, but most are free for commercial use.