[quote quote=865]
Yeah, but imagine how much better it would be if the headset wasn’t so huge, & uncomfortable. If it could be ran on a small device in your backpack, didn’t need items in your hands, more portable, etc. VR in the 90’s blew donkey dick, sure it is much nicer, but as tech evolves it usually gets smaller & cheaper
With it needing to be big enough to present a screen that fills your field of view, AND able to block out all chinks of light from the environment, there will always be constraints on how small you can make a headset. Maybe future devices using imaging tech that we can scarcely imagine will be even more elegant, but I don’t see the current solution as a barrier to a perfectly satisfying VR experience. Hell, I’m fine with the size and comfort of Oculus Rift even as it is now. I’ve worn a Rift for half an hour at a time and don’t even remember what it felt like to wear, it was so balanced and light it was no more remarkable than putting on a hat. There must have been a screen door effect as well, I just don’t remember noticing any because of what I was doing. Cost-wise, Rift is available for £399 with controllers. I paid £300 – at 1998 values – for a frigging 17 inch CRT monitor back in the day, I’m perfectly fine with the idea that I can pay a little more than that for a functioning VR headset today. I’d pay twice as much, if necessary – just don’t tell Palmer Luckey I said that The biggest impediment to me using VR so far was the cabling. THAT has to go, and there are ways round it available already.[/quote]I’m hoping the paper thin bendable displays can be a work around for the size of the headset, hell, make em look like blu blockers or smaller goggles. Don’t forget, some of us have issues with things strapped to our head, and I’ve yet to find a headset that makes my ears feel comfortable