March 26, 2018 at 6:43 pm #1297
Mike Baker

[quote quote=1296]

Scotch:30 on deck nice, I hear ya about babylife. I remember it all too well. Slowly making my way back into the forums so its great to see you old fucks around still!

So any particular brand of Scotch you prefer? I don’t usually go for the stuff, but when I do I like Dalwhinnie – it’s smooth, a little sweet, and by chance it’s distilled not that far from my old backyard 😀

I’ve tried a bunch of aged single malts and I still just go back to Johnnie Walker Black. I even went to Johnnie Walker Blue & Green and didn’t taste any difference worth $80-$200 a bottle. Black is damn good. (Red tastes like gasoline)

then again, you drink appletinnis, so…[/quote]

Hahha those days are long gone. I can’t have any sweet drinks, I actually drink Scotch neat now or just on the rocks but never any sweet shit. Nasty hangovers. I can barely drink beer because it makes me all tired. Don’t get me wrong I’ll drink the shit out of some 18yr single-malt Glenlivet but I actually prefer Black.